Thursday, March 28, 2019

Stop Plastic from Taking Over

Title : Stop plastic from taking over the world
Description : I am going to make a video that shows all the harm plastic does when not properly reduced, reduced, or recycled. I am going to make plastic out to be an enemy, almost like ghosts haunting them.
Why is this important to you : I believe its important because the amount of garbage that ends up littered and not recycled properly has major negative effects on the environment. I personally am trying to be more and more eco friendly every day. I use reusable straws, limit my single plastic usage, refuse plastic bags and bring my own reusable ones when grocery shopping. I use a reusable water bottle and reusable plastic container to keep my food in the fridge. I try as much as I can to create as little garbage as possible
How are people going to profit : My performance will hopefully stop people from littering, and get people to start recycling and limit single plastic usage. By watching my video I want people to feel guilty for thinking about all the times they have littered before.
Props : plastic, plastic bottles, plastic wrap,

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